Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Guitar Called Jack--Part 61

It is now the third of December and things are going well.  The next step is "finishing the finish". 
There are two major steps to "finishing the finish": the first is to level the finish - that is to remove all the bumps and low spots in the lacquer; the second is to buff and polish the finish after it has been leveled.

The first thing that needs to be done is to remove the masking from the bridge footprint and the fingerboard overhang. This is a slow and meticulous process, as one false move and the lacquer could chip off where you don't want it to.  Firstly Gerry scores around the mask with an exacto knife, then he slowly lifts, pulls, scores some more, lifts, pulls, etc. until the masking is separated from the guitar. A little blue residue remains on the edges of the footprints. This will be removed later when attaching the bridge and fingerboard. In this shot you can also see how shiny the finish is... well, not for long.

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